I’m a people leader, cybersecurity practitioner, modern workplace connoisseur, content creator, husband, and father.

Hi, I’m Dom

I’ve been in technology for over twelve years, starting out in the classic starting point of support during my sophomore year of high school. I’ve since grown my career and today I work in digital transformation and cybersecurity in the SMB arena. I’m here to evangelize and raise the tide so that everyone can live a more secure digital life.

Recent Posts

Trying a New Task Management Tool

Trying a New Task Management Tool

If you know me, you know I've been a longtime proponent of Microsoft To Do and its vast integrations across the Microsoft ecosystem. To this day, Microsoft To Do is one of my favorite task management applications. However, as the number of inputs in my life (personal...

Data Classification for All

Data Classification for All

I figured I would expand on my Purview Information Protection information by creating a general guide around information protection labels. In this guide, I take a deeper dive into Purview Information Protection and provide you with some implementation examples that...